
Kansas Wage File Upload

From this page, you may securely upload a formatted wage file. For information about constructing and uploading wage files, visit the File Specification web page.

What would you like to do?

Upload  an MMREF-1 format Wage Detail File.

Upload  a NASWA format Wage Detail File.

I have no file to upload. Take me back to the previous menu to select another action.


The process Upload  to a quarterly wage file:

To submit a file to the new hire database, your file must meet these requirements:



  Your file must meet our file specifications. To review our file specs, visit the File Specification web page.
  Currently we can accept only files 5MB and smaller. Larger files will be rejected. If your file is too large for upload, consider compressing or splitting it. KDOL will accept files that have been compressed using zip, gz(gzip), or bz2(bzip2).
  Uncompressed files must use dat or txt for a file extension. Compressed files must use zip, gz, or bz2 for a file extension depending on the compression type. Files with other extensions will be rejected.


Submit File:


After you select a file type button above, you may browse your local hard drive for your wage file. Select the file and click on the upload button. If the upload is successful, you will receive a confirmation screen. If your file has no errors and you wish to add these uploaded records to the quarterly wage database, click the COMMIT VALID button.


If your file has errors, you will get a message with the quantity of valid and invalid records in your file. An invalid data report will be available for you to download.

If your file has no errors and you wish to add these uploaded records to the quarterly wage database, click the COMMIT VALID button.You will be offered the option to add the valid records to the database. If you decline, no records will be added to the database.  A file with no valid wage data will be rejected. You may repair the records and try again.